Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Someone should solve my problem – Hindu Wish list.

All talk - No action

I have never hidden the fact that my political ideology lies to the right of BJP, the reason I often find myself bundled with BJP supporters. Yet, as an active tweeter and modest blogger, I have always been amused and at times disappointed by many fellow RW supporters (RSS, BJP, Dharmic etc) generally spilling grudge and complaints in SM and doing nothing beyond. Their tone is often of a sense of hurt or at worst a reaction to an aggression from the opposing camps. They are able to articulate the grudge very well but fall short of confronting the issue or challenge or solve. If at all there is a challenge, it is often halfhearted and short lived.

The reasons are many, some systemic, meaning beyond the control of those people. But mostly it is naïve expectation from RW supporters that the wrongs are to be righted because they are wrong. They somehow believe that there is an ideal principle in power that will do it for them. That seems to be pervasive. 

When a RSS member was killed in Kerala, there was call to organize a protest march in a far-away city. I never understood how it could have mattered. I never subscribed to the populist yet unsubstantiated view that such action would somehow bring about ‘awareness’. The newspapers are already in the business of bringing awareness or stifling. Protest marches are only covered by interested media, not that I know of any other type of media, which will again be aligned with the local powers in pursuit of buttered side of the bread. 

It would have been much better if people had traveled to Kannur as a show of strength, to send a message that if small-town goons take law into their hands, there would be help coming from outside. It also would send a sense of security to the threatened RSS community in Kannur. That would have been, going the whole hog.  But Hindus did not do it, it was not due to fear or shirking of responsibilities. It is just a way of going with the flow. Taking the fight to the enemy is simply not in their gene. It is just that they are not able to escape the irrational behavior that nothing needs to be done because someone else may take care of it.

On another dimension, the #KissOfLove event organized by the rabble-rousers is getting the attention that they wanted to promote their kind of ideology. The reaction from VHP- moral policing was abhorrent as well as counterproductive. The RW is inept in forceful violent acts, except in exceptions. They should have allowed the kissers to kiss and let law take its course, if that was not illegal. Or, they could have filed a case for obscenity in public. Their children are not going to desist from kissing in the street as a result of protest, but only if the necessary values are conveyed in time.   

Moral policing is carried out most effectively by Left and Islamic groups with such brutal force, the subjugated hardly find courage to stand up to it. The history of Naxals tells us about the Left terror, delivered in a Marxist gift wrapping. The core of it was, ‘elimination of the Class enemy’, which means public execution of the socially powerful. The Naxals went around telling that those who have not ‘dipped their hand in the blood of class enemy’ are not Naxals. By the way, it is the descendants of such gory Naxals that AAP waltzes with. They stifled resistance, prevailed over Press cowed down local Government agencies as well, with brutal force of threat everyone feared. Even today, the Naxals blow up people (read class enemies) in regular interval, along the ‘Red Corridor’ that runs from south India to China. Though their acts result in death of multitude of civilians, the looney MSM name RW as dangerous elements.  

Take the case of genocide perpetrated by Kashmiri Muslims against Hindus; targeted on the basis of religion, that resulted in murder, rape, and systematic destruction of Hindu property. Under the watchful eyes of State, the Kashmiris could not exercise their rights guaranteed under Indian Constitution and had to leave their homes to become refugees within their own country. Have you ever heard the MSM call the Muslim population as right-wing, or Nazi or Fascists? It is poor Rama Sena that cannot get away with a mere beating of partying youngsters, while Muslim terror can get away with murder, rape and loot, literally. 

Or for that matter, the hundreds of thousands of Hindus who were subjected to targeted killing by Pakistan Army during the creation of Bangladesh. The Blood Telegram reveals that the word genocide was used extensively with instances to prove. The death toll is put at 300,000 and above, rape victims 200,000 and above, about 85% of them Hindus. The US, Brits and entire western world turned a blind eye to the recorded ‘genocide’, yet we do not see anyone accusing Pakistan of committing one.  We have Left and Islamists accusing India of human right violation in Kashmir. It is because, accusing Indian Government poses no danger whatsoever to the accuser. But you cannot take such chance with the Islamic terrorists. Their retribution is swift and brutal.

A riot in which both Hindus and Muslims died in Gujarat was quickly elevated to ‘genocide’ category by common agreement in MSM. The fact that it started as a riot, spread as a riot and ended as a riot did not stop the Media from calling it a pogrom. It appeared that the Media was looking for anything resembling an evidence to support conclusion they had already arrived at. The Media knew Modi Government cannot do them any harm.

But in the case of 1984 pogrom, the selective killing of Sikhs as aftermath of Indira Gandhi’s assassination, it never got termed as genocide by any MSM. No MSM carried a campaign, a tenth in intensity, of Arnab’s against Asaram. It is evident that for MSM, 3000 plus deaths is less evil in comparison to alleged sex assault of a religious leader of section of Hindus. Because the MSM knows the government in power can cause immense damage to their business while Asaram can at most send twenty guys to beat up. So finally, what gets result is the ability to instil fear.
In spite of Islamic states carrying out execution as punishment for being raped, apostasy, homosexuality, the Left and Liberal communities have made only muted protests. Fear is the key. The purpose of fear, as Doval said in a speech, is to not to kill but to cow down the living to submission.

I think Hindus are, as a rule, incapable of large scale violence that scares people into submission and hence cannot be ruthless killers, except in stories spun by Teestas. And such stories are spun by Teestas because it drives the over-anxious, extra-sensitive Hindu into a fit of self-loathing guilt trip.

The killings carried out by Hindus in Independent India have been sporadic, reactive, and short lived. Not enough to send a chill down anyone’s spine.  Terror is not what they are good at; however they also are not good at standing up to genocide perpetrated against them. This seems like an escapeless cycle. 

The extreme, fringe elements from Hindu organizations cannot measure up to the cruel intensity of Left and Islamic thirst for blood and gory. This may be something to do with the intrinsic Dharmic values inculcated in every Indian, if not already altered by invading and alien ideology.  Even when the ‘Lakshman-rekha’s of Dharma is breached, the Hindu extremists are novices in comparison to the Left and Islamic butchers who have been practicing this across nation claiming lives in millions.

I draw an analogy from Sankrant Sanu about women safety in India. Though our Police per thousand people is one of the lowest in the world, crime against women in India is no worse than or in most cases lower than many Western Countries where the presence of Police is very high. Sankarant argues that it is not the fear of Police that is the reason but the Dharmic upbringing that holds things together. 

This being the near impotent state of Hindu violent right, the common Hindus are hopelessly a frightened lot. They had never seen violence like this (See image) ever in their life until the arrival of Islamic butchers, as narrated by Ibn Batuta. 

Never seen before terror

Every day we see reports of brazen proselytizing campaigns being carried out by the charlatans funded by Christians from US and Europe and the most we see as response is complaint. Of course, you also see many wanting a ‘law’ to put a stop to it. They never wonder that the ‘soul harvest’ goes on without a law backing it. That is the difference. Till today there is nothing as response from any Hindu organizations, except, of course, disgruntlement and a sense of hurt.

Until the Hindus realize that nothing will change except actions to counter forces acting against Hindu interest, these things will continue. Protests are for the weaklings. Hindus’ strength lies in their Dharmic core, which needs to be awakened, as demanded in current times, again not an anathema to Dharma, power to stand up to injustices and ability to reply in a language the opponent understands.

I wrote about the lessons Hindus can learn from Game theory here

The protests are not going to get us anywhere. New laws are not required to stop the atrocities. Government cannot do everything for you. Direct action alone can assert Hindus as a power that cannot be ignore in our own country. The RW fringe elements are good at mohalla level threatening, beating up or roughening up but that is counter-productive as it still falls short of instilling a permanent fear. 

In a tweet, Rana Ayyub tweeted that the early Hindus were brainy because they ate roasted beef. Because she has nothing to fear from Hindus. But if someone says Muslims eat Pork, hell will break lose. There is everything to fear.
No one is going to deliver a solution to the confused Hindus. Not the VHP, nor the Government nor the police. And most Hindus are far from realizing it. Sad commentary.

It is a different matter that, per chance, BJP has managed to have excellent leaders who are intently focused on actions instead of empty hand wringing. The government has chosen good officers like Doval to support it. Still I wish the people also did not leave everything to Modi and other leaders but took responsibility for whatever is happening in our country.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Islam under threat - Well, it may be now!

Global threat to Islam

When ardent followers of Islam used to invoke “Islam is in Danger” to whip up the sentiments of the not so ardent followers of Islam, I used to get angry, at the brazenness with which the fanatics manipulated the truth, and the media carried their messages. The pitch was raised to screeching shrill after 9/11 and I personally felt that the Muslim leadership was working to move the guilt away from the obvious ideological flaws in Islam, as an offensive move. This is when the political opinions of the powerful Governments were influenced in favour of the Muslims and Islam, from left politicians like George Galloway and possible terrorist insiders like Robin Raphel to right politicians like George Bush who supplicated by saying “Islam is peace”. The current President of the US dined with known Hamas terrorists, providing a backhanded acceptance of Islamic terrorism as long as it is backed with ample and commensurate rationalizing propaganda.
While the West was reeling under the comeuppance for hiring, arming and regaling in the rise of all sorts of terrorists, those who make a living out of appeasement to Muslim world, probably, amply lubricated with oil-money, could not change trade to changing times, even for niceties such as national interest. US sunk in collective suicide and punished the President who stood up to the Islamic terror and elected one who would invite terrorists of same ilk to White House. Bearers in nondescript restaurants were allowed to invest hundreds of millions of dollars to build Islamic centres with names evoking memories of the subjugation of Christianity, right in the heart of what the terrorists considered their victory-land.
Post 2001, there was a golden opportunity for the leaders of Islam to offload certain aspects of Islam and make it the religion of the moderate Muslims. But surprisingly, 2001 and following events pushed the moderates into extreme views. It may be something to do with the extreme masculine character of Islam or it could be the fact that Islam is perceived as immutable. Whatever may be the reason in the past decade and a half, Islam has dug its heels for a fight with the rest of the world under a red herring banner ‘Islam is under threat’. And that is precisely the reason why Islam is currently under threat.
In this context the growth of ISIS emerging as the central leadership of Islamic caliphate is notable. There is no large scale opposition to ISIS from any quarters of Muslim. On the contrary Anjem Choudary is unabashedly telling the non-Muslims the risk they face but the non-Muslims are not paying attention.
Let us take a personal and anecdotal view of the response of Muslims in response to the atrocities committed by ISIS. Does anyone remember the response of the Muslims, moderate and otherwise, against the Danish cartoonist? Do you see a tenth of that today against ISIS? Did you see any reaction as a response from the collective conscience of Muslims repenting for the murder of Theo?
ISIS is busy killing anyone they think should be cleansed of the earth to establish Darul Islam, a religious goal for Islam. The poor and defenceless Yezidis are bearing the brunt of ISIS in the name of religion and the world is yet to respond.
The Christians in West are able to draw attention to sporadic yet targeted killing of Christians in Syria but Yezidis have had no such luck. This is not surprising either. When the Hindu genocide took place in East Pakistan, none of the Western countries cared to step in.
With the SM making it difficult for the UN to pretend nothing is happening, it has at last mentioned that the ISIS actions are “attempted genocide” somehow making us believe that until it becomes a successful genocide it is not time to worry.
Compare this to the ‘Gaza Flotilla’ raid. Do you recall the noise, the attention it got from Press, world leaders and the UN? Yet, in the case of Yezidis, though UN has circumspectly used the word ‘Genocide’, none has lifted a finger to save the lives of Yezidis, spare the women and children of rape and murder.  There is a damning silence from the same moderate Muslims who repeat ad nauseam that ‘there is no compulsion in religion’ to press the point that Islam is not an intolerant religion. I think in killing the poor Yezidis, Islam is earning bad Karma by tonnes. The ‘Yezidi’ crime may as well be the last of the straws that will sink Islam globally, that will break the metaphorical axle of the cart, already laden with crimes against humanity, under the accumulating weight of Karma.
That is why, as we approach the end of 2014, I am more are less convinced that Islam is at threat and here I list down my reasons.
The two major Abrahamic religions are competing with each other to own the world, to become the monopolistic owner of the souls of the residents of the world. I already wrote about it here.
I debated with few here but none could repudiate that Christianity and Islam compete with each other and the similarities are there for all to see.
The 9/11 had opened many eyes in the US to another undeniably Islamic face, hitherto painted and presented to US population for political reasons. Saudi Arabian formed the bulk of the suicide squad that flew Planes into building, killing innocent civilians. Few would have forgotten the celebrations in Palestine on hearing of American grief. It is another matter that most would overlook and hope things have changed.
Since then, the Islam has not looked back in the US. It could do bombing at Boston, attempt a few more in other cities, infiltrate barracks to inflict damages to defence personnel, yet still manage to hold the badge of honour issued by none other than the American President. The American president was eager to educate the world that ISIS has nothing to do with Islam, which is a peaceful religion while commenting on the slitting of the throat of Westerners by ISIS.
While there is nothing to say that Americans have started seeing Islam as a threatening ideology, the current election results for Senate gives rise to a suspicion that the ideology is moving from Liberal Left to Christian Right. The images of westerners being hacked, the heads of people stuck on poles and children holding the severed head of enemies have only been pushing the tolerance level so far exhibited in the US in a direction that will eventually result less free-run for Islamists.
However, the Europe has been seeing the share of right wing parties steadily growing. The right wing has a potential to reach a critical mass sooner than later, buoyed by its increasing popularity.
UKIP is one taking shape in UK which has reaped political dividend exposing and highlighting the Rotherham scandal. Paul Golding goes into Mosques, hands over Bible to the Mullahs there and urges them to convert to Islam and follow the real God.
There are many such videos one can see in the Internet. Incidentally UKIP has this to say about their democratic victories.
France is sitting on a demographic bomb with Muslim population reaching about 10% of the total. The French, for all its nice sounding political rhetoric, are not that nice to their Muslim fellow citizens. For example, if you have a Muslim name, you have far less chance of being called for an interview, in comparison to Christians. However, Muslims are slowly beating the French on demography and soon with votes and power in democracy they will be able to force their views on French Government. Will the French sit quiet till then is a question to ponder. Or will they go the Bosnian way?
The Germans have started questioning the failure of ‘multiculturalism’ (so did the Russians) and have in effect recognized the fact that the Muslims do not integrate, a realization that concedes that no amount of bending to accommodate is going to achieve integration. By staying as a social unit separate from the mainstream, Islam has been consistently saying something that the rest refused to listen to. That, Islam is not going to be part of the host country but the host country one day may become part of Islam.
Another political party that is making news is Freedom Party of Austria which has about a third of the population sympathizing with their ideology. Party for Freedom (PVV) led by Geert Wilders is on the ascendance in Netherland where the Muslim population is about 10% of the total.
I fear that the current shift from passivity to political activism towards acceptance of Islam in Europe is not to be seen as a data point but as a direction the ideology is moving in. There is no doubt that the Muslims are adding more children to their families compared to the Europeans and as time progresses it will give more political say for the Muslims. Let us also be cautious that the reaction from the original citizenry is yet to play out in full may not be watching it helplessly.
While democracy was designed to give franchise to the citizen not based on religion, Islamic voting, as a rule, exploits it as a weakness in democracy. To say that Muslims are followers of their religion first and last is not political correctness, hence it is whispered around but not conceded in public place. However, Muslims are not victims of political correctness, admitting Islam is a nation, a euphemism for its supremacist political ideology. Religion is merely a Trojan horse.
The growth of Islam in Europe will leave only one winner, either the Europeans or Islam. Whoever wins, the decision will come after Islam is first put in danger.
The European history is replete with barbaric political settlement, every once in a while. WWI and WWII were Europe centric and together, the latter wiping out 3% of the world population. If we agree that ‘diplomacy is warfare by other means’ we also have to agree that war is a continuous state, which puts Islam in danger in Europe.
Middle East is continuously seeing a struggle between the Sunni Vs Shia struggles with Sunni getting an upper hand as a result of the affluence they attained subsequent to Oil boom. With Iran inching towards Nuclear capability and Oil price going down the entire area is open to social unrest.
ISIS fighting the Shias, Saudi and Bahrain stifling Shias are not isolated incidents without any common narrative. Even in UAE, there is a marked antipathy towards Shias that resulted in Shias having to identify themselves in Govt offices and Pakistani Shia taxi drivers having to leave UAE as their licenses were not getting renewed. All the Oil producing country has one branch of Muslims hating another.
The one place one sect of Islam will always be in danger is undoubtedly Middle East.
The emergence of Hindu majority party in India is another development that will put Islam in danger. In the last 60 after Independence, secularism has been taught to mean anti-Hinduism and pro-Islam. This is another case where the growing population of Islam demanding more than a fair share and begetting a whiplash from the majority. The limit seems to have been breached in India and the polarization of votes along religious fault lines have begun in India. Kerala and Assam saw such polarization in 2010 elections and for the first time in national election, polarization has pushed up an unabashed Hindutva party. Notwithstanding the utterings of PM Modi, this government will slowly impose pro-Hindu policies, which are not going to be palatable to the Muslims. Cow slaughter ban, Sanskrit, revising Marxian History, tightening the border with Muslim neighbours, ignoring the overtures from Pakistan till cross border terrorism is done with, economic growth, alignment with other Asian countries like Japan and Australia are all lines connecting dots that will emerge as a Pan-Hindu picture in India.
India has silently suffered the invading Muslims, the genocidal wars that killed Hindus selectively, obliterated a rich and superior culture, demolished tens of thousands of temples and enslaved Hindu women as a mark of insult to the local culture, collaboration with the British and finally dividing the country and taking away the land that was the origin of Indus-Saraswati culture. The current political mood is being compared to renaissance of Indian thoughts and culture. The reaction from Hindu population is regaining what was rightfully theirs. The idea of Islam had reduced India to a state that to sing in praise of Mother India had to be vetted by Muslim minority. The current political climate is a result of that, pushing the Muslims to a corner. In such a push back, not all acts will be moral are defendable.
In all, too many warfronts have been opened by the Muslims and everyone they picked a fight with has started retaliating. Soon with less Oil surplus money in the booty, fighting all of them is going to be impossible for Islam. Soon it will become so that there is no place safe for Muslims except their own country, provided the rulers are not inimical or the country has not fallen to anarchy.