Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Sakshi Maharaj, FoE and all that Farce

Media Ruckus-  Sakshi Maharaj

The English TV in India is mostly made of people of insignificant calibre yet such people are in top slot due to familial political connection or proximity to power. If you read people like Sagarika Ghosh and her father’s work description, it will serve as a good example. There have been trickily told stories of Vikram Chandra that state that the job was a quid pro quo for services rendered by his father. I am just giving examples but this piece is about the whole tribe. 

The flip side of the tragedy is, these are people who are incapable of handling nuanced topics. They do not have the intelligence to analyse, open mindedness to consider differing views, are too insecure to concede that others could be right, ride on political ideology in the absence of own faculty to discern what is right and what is wrong, lead parasitical lives thriving on the verbal waste of the cantankerous, cater to the basest instincts of humans, crass, classless, free of ethics, have no basic training in reasoning, loud, brash and unfit to be employed in any productive domains. On the moral front, while the media makes no money, the peddlers are rolling in moolah, the reason, it is alleged is, blackmailing.  

Most of the reporting use incendiary template, concluding what Sakshi Maharaj told was inherently wrong. The reports remain superficial without going into the merits of the statement. The Media is not for reporting, analysing news, providing clarity; it is for expressing ‘outrage’ within a political ideological paradigms.

The narrative is, India is overpopulated and hence the statement of Sakshi Maharaj is politically incorrect, hence an ‘outrage’. However, none is ready to debate the current factors contributing to burgeoning population from demographic perspective.

I for one stand for Sakshi Maharaj on two counts, first being Freedom of Expression. I wrote in April 2014 in support of Freedom of expression here. http://notcovered.blogspot.in/2014/04/dr-frazer-gets-his-right-to-free-speech.html

Price for my right to Freedom of expression is my responsibility not to be offended. Instead, respond to it in an intelligent and civil way- responses unknown to Indian Media. The fountainhead of their trade is ‘Freedom of Expression’ but they are the ones who are abuse it, at times by stifling it.

My second reason for standing with Sakshi Maharaj is, there is truth in his statement. The demography of India is a critical factor in maintaining national integrity. It is the demographic weight that broke India into two in 1947. We did not separate along political lines but along religious one. It can recur if the demography changes once again and such a change will be to the disadvantage of Hindus. So Hindus have an interest in maintaining the integrity of the country by maintaining demographic majority. Any dilution of this stand is hogwash.

On another note, Sakshi Maharaj is not forcing anyone to procreate. So why this outrage unless it is for TRP?

Let us look at the one child policy being pursued by most Hindus. A one child Husband marrying one child wife, produce one child. Four Grandparents, become two parents in first generation that becomes one child in third. In about 40-55 years (approximately) the count comes down to fourth of what it was.

In comparison, four grandparents beget, say 6 children (each getting 3) and these 3 pairs get three each. 4 grandparents, 6 children and 9 grandchildren in 40-55 years. The size of first family is 7 whereas the latter 19. It takes about 50 years to bring about a change such as this.
Native and Muslim birth rate of Europe

You imagine who is going to run Europe in 50 years from now.

Here is a scenario for India, a very rudimentary to give an idea. I am sure there are other reliable sources but this is a rough view. Just numbers. In two generation the 80% becomes 50%

Rough extrapolation - Modest assumption

If you add the impact of proselytizing, the balance is in favour of non-Hindus just two generations away. 

The lesson Bosnian demographic shift teaches cannot be ignored, just because it is unpalatable or politically incorrect. Any shift in demography will be accompanied by other social upheavals. It could be, in the European context, one that does not have any qualms for wholesale murder, culling, as Mark Style calls it; in Indian context, the Kashmiri Pandit problem in the state of Jammu and Kashmir and consequent obliteration of Hindus in India.

Bosnian Solution in Mark's words

The birth rate of anything lower than 2.11 means the suicide of society. No society with birth rate lower than 1.9 has not revived. So let us not slight away the number of children a woman produces to be a mere personal issue. It impacts the society also in a way and if a society makes child bearing too expensive for women, it is digging its own grave. 

The liberal ideology that destroyed family as a social unit, equated a life without responsibility to freedom, termed anything that is traditional bad, gave birth to cultural orphans in own society is the culprit for the woes of dwindling population and decaying value system.

The Government has been telling that one child family is a desirable one and two children family as limit. It will work, if all demographic groups follow the norm. The one that flouts this advice stands to gain in the long run. Demography trumps democracy. Kashmir, Kerala, Bengal all show that people vote along religious lines, which was fine with the liberals until Hindus also did the same.

Let us not fall victims to the ‘outrage’ media but look at the problem with a cool head. Do we want to leave our children a political system run by Sharia as jurisprudence? Do we want to throw away the rich cultural wealth of Hindu past and let Abrahamic religions dictate values? Those parents who think they are securing their child’s future by having a single child are actually doing the opposite.

With demography comes political power and with political power the economic power. It is one thing to dream of a Utopia but reality is we grapple with a world that operates mostly on Game Theory principle. If Hindus concede majority in India, there is no place to run to. Not for those who are reading this but to their progeny.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Islam in danger – Tipping point approaching

Dharma should guide Europe 


I had written this piece in November, http://notcovered.blogspot.in/2014/11/islam-under-threat-well-it-may-be-now.html, essentially saying that Islam is opening up too many war fronts. Along with the falling oil price, that fuels the terrorists all around the world, the situation is ripe for posing real danger to Islam. 

December saw the Lindt CafĂ© incident in Australia. The liberals began their well-oiled propaganda machinery with #IllRideWithYou campaign, diverting the enormity of the crime to imagined persecution. While the dead were ignored and insulted in their death, those who wanted to protest the growth of a political ideology going under the garb of religion, got the short end of the stick. In the end, the power of media made it appear that the greatest crime was the imagined persecution as against the real death. 

In the meantime, Europe is simmering with discontent. It appears as though the Governments are not in touch with reality. Merkel condemned the growing Islamophobia as growing intolerance in Germany, probably wanted Germans to believe it is this intolerance that is making bloody headlines with boring frequency. 

City after city in Germany is seeing more and more people out on the street in anti-Islam / anti-Muslim protests. Someone on Tweet said that the reason for today’s situation in Germany is the Germans ‘betrayed Third Reich’. As a Dharmic Indian, these thoughts and ideas behind the thoughts are immeasurably far for me.  That will be a different discussion altogether.

Recently Michel Houellebecq released his sixth book, ‘Submission’ in which he projects 2022 France. The election result hands over victory to Muslim Party defeating the right and the plot deals with imaginary consequences of such an eventuality. To say that such imagery is unrealistic is no more a convincing one, given the wholesale surrender of the Liberal parties to Islamic pandering. We have seen the liberal parties in bed with most rabid fanatics in India.  

In these unfavorable times, what happened in Paris may well turn into a watershed moment for a shift in political ideology. Rather, the leaders who mouth inane liberal ideology, projecting a non-existent and unrealistic ideal society as an excuse for accommodating the religious fanatics, will find the following dwindling. But that will take place when the elections are held. 

At the least, each such action by Islamic terrorists will bring the tipping point closer and closer. It is no more a question of if, but when, to borrow a cliché from the Left. One never knows which event will light the keg but with so many fireworks going on and with so many explosive situations waiting to explode, it will most probably happen sooner than later.

The problem with the European reaction is, it is still not a war that will be morally defensible. Sun Tzu said, to win a war, it must be morally defensible. The reaction in Europe is mainly against the Muslims and that makes it weak. 

In the case of Nazism, it was easy as the target Nazis as people and group, as it was localized and the fight was against the core contingent that lived in Europe. There was no need to fight the idea but merely stamp out the men impelled by the supremacist idea that killed the ‘other’. However, in the fight against Islam, Europe is fighting the ancillary contingent that has been brought in by own volition due to myopic policies. The main force remains outside the Europe. There is also substantial political strength Islamic terrorists draw from liberal elements from within Europe.

If Europe opts to fight the Muslims instead of Islam, their defeat is inevitable and probably will be final. The current political system is such that any act of violence against Muslims will be considered illegal, which indeed is illegal, and the State will put it down without mercy. Further, it will also elevate the Islamic citizens of Europe to the ‘Holocaust Jew’ status. Unlike Jews, they will stay and one day rule Europe, the defeat of the purpose in full. Sharia will come with nothing to stop it. With only imaginary victimization, the Muslims have dug in deep in the system; if given a real reason, the war will be lost forever.

However, if the fight is against Islam and not Muslims, the outcome could be different. For this the strategy is, first to establish that Islam is a political ideology in the garb of religion. The preaching of Islam, in its various threats, speaks of Dar-Ul-Islam, Jizya, Kaffur, Jihad etc which are abhorrent to the ideals of Europe. The legal system, Sharia, promotes inequality, loaded in favour of men when it comes to sexes and Muslims when it comes to religion of the person. It is against the equality before law as enshrined in principles that is foundation to Europe. The tolerance towards Gay, abortion and free-sex do not gel well with Islam either.

Further, the Islamic texts are extremely cruel and vindictive towards people who disagree with what is written in them and impose penalties such as death, stoning, and maiming. Islam is against progress as the religion does not allow any revision of the text as the person who attempts to revise is to be punished as per their Law, death. Islamic ideas and Sharia are incompatible with Freedom of Expression as it elevates own theology beyond criticism while taking swipe at others. In that, Islam is supremacist and divisive and Europe should build the moral ground from which it can fight Islam.

As a solution, Europe should ask either Koran and the other texts to be revised to suit current times failing which those texts including Sharia to be declared ‘supremacist’ at par with Nazi ideology. This alone will give Europe the political, moral and legal authority to contain the spread of Islam and punishing those who attempt to spread.

This is not an easy fight. Europeans have painted themselves into a corner electing liberal politicians year after year. Behring was a violent reaction to this decay of Europe. The Europeans had free lunch for 70 years or so and now is the time to pay the bill. And now, they find that they cannot afford.

It will be immoral to take out the anger on the Muslims without giving them a chance to change their ways. Serbian bloodshed only made the Muslims stronger and Islam entrenched. The European right is capable of starting a bloodbath, being built on Altruistic philosophies devoid of Dharma, but will eventually lose the war. It is time Europe learnt Dharma from Indians and fought Islam as Dharma fights Adharma. Sun Tzu will be with you.