Mass murders in History
One Mr Devu Chodanka is trying to escape from the clutches of Goa Police for posting ‘holocaust’ comment in FB. He allegedly posted, if Modi comes to power, there would be systematic elimination of minorities. This police action is based on the ignoble Section 66A of IT Act, brainchild of sycophantic Congress luminaries, created to protect their overlords from a possible exposure to truth. Such Control on thought seem a blue blooded Fascist act, that originated from Congress and had the support of the Left liberals who called it "reasonable restrictions" a moving goal post that suits their ideology.
there are many academicians imbibed with western inculcated values, who feel
somewhat cheated because though they are well equipped with the liberal
anti-Fascist, anti-Nazi vocabulary, there is hardly any opportunity available
to them in India to put their skills to use. In these days of dearth of Fascist
leaders, these intellectuals invent one in right wing politicians, just as
their western Liberal leaders do. Here lies the irony. With no Right wing mass murderer like Hitler on the Right wing, what do they do? They commit verbicide,
change the meaning of words to suit their political ideology. This post is
about that perversion of meaning.
Indian politics, there are two types of political ideologies that compete for
mandate to rule; both are left leaning ideologies. The only difference being
the degree of leaning. We have on the left extreme, the ideologically orthodox,
bloody Naxals and the towards the right extreme of the left ideologies, we have BJP. Every
time I hear people describing BJP as ‘right of center’ party, I try not to bust
my innards laughing. How else do you
call a party that comes to power by their subsidy programs that do not stir a
man to go out to work? The BJP programs that make direct payment to the weak
and needy will put socialist ruled states to shame, the essential difference
being, BJP has successfully improved the quality of delivery by reducing waste
and corruption. That could possibly be
a critical reason why BJP Governments are being re-elected.
follows such policies so as not to be relegated to irrelevance in Indian
political scenario where votes have always been shared between left, pampering
and appeasing parties, who present various Marxian hued ideals as political
objectives; that easily appeal to the voters and also make the politician’s
job less risky. While I agree that BJP is not center to right party, I also
concede that, it is where BJP wants to be and to be there, it has to start
where it has started. Modi has shown a center to right dream to the public and
their resounding reply has been in the affirmative. Thus BJP has created a
chance to be the first right of center party in India, but are not there yet. And Modi’s
personalized leadership also paves way for BJP to break from the socialist
there are those leaders from various other political parties, all of their calling
card describing them as socialists, though of varying color, yet finally
sharing a common DNA strand with Karl Marx, who truly believe that their duty to
their cause is not complete without a mandatory comparison of Modi/ RSS/BJP
with Hitler/Fascists/Nazis with predictable periodicity. Congress, SP, JDU,
RJD, CPI-M, CPI, CPI-ML, CPI-M&L, CPI-M~L, what the heck, all the
collection of bastardized revisionist Marxists, all of them stand for ‘social
justice’, ‘Secularism’, equality and other democratic principles that were
exemplified during Stalinist Russia. I am just trying to help you visualize the
team. On the one hand, we have Socialists of all hues and on the other BJP,
which again appears like another socialist party.
we have the teams well defined. In this division, those in the Left accuse the
Right, whether it is the Liberals of the US or Left & Liberals of India, of
being Fascists and Nazis. While the American Left paints all the rest as
‘racists’ and shame them out of debate, Indian Left and liberals use “communal” and add-on accusations like
Fascists and Hitler for good measure. Is Marxism, mother of Socialism,
contrastingly different from Fascism and Nazism and did Right politics spring
forth from the Fascist and Nazi wellspring?
stands for ‘National Socialism’, mind you, not ‘National Capitalism’, socialism
as in Lenin’s idea. While the world was boiling with the socialistic heating
started by Soviet, its appeal being the international collaboration of Labor,
there was no respectable opposition from Capitalism.
the Russian brand of socialism was attempting to forge an alliance at
International level, Hitler, steeped in his hatred for Jews attempted to forge
at Socialism at national level, further distilled through the racial
classification. But they all were socialists. Sibling rivalry for the same
piece of heirloom between Nazis and Communists does not make the two unrelated by
socialists argue that since Hitler started arresting Socialists and Communists,
he was not a socialist. However, Hitler and Socialists were fighting for the
same constituency, workers Union, and Hitler upped the ante with a strong
Nationalistic fervor which won him the mandate. The workers chose a national
variety of Socialism over International one. The Socialists of Germany
recognized it by their slogan, ‘First Brown, then Red”, indicating that the
Nazis, when they evolve will turn Socialists.
after knowing the outcome of history, the logic Socialists employ is “Capitalists
are anti-Socialists. Hitler was anti-Socialist. Hence Hitler was Capitalist
(right wing) and on this fallacy the world is being fed incessantly the Left propaganda that Hitler was a Capitalist right winger.
Hitler lent evil aspects to his version of Socialism by adding racial hatred, anti-Semitism and genocidal hunger by projecting Jews as personified enemy. Hitler held Jews to be the reason for the misfortunes of Germans and in that aspect also, his views were similar to Marx, who was a Jew hating Jew.
Let us also see who else eliminated a section of their own country men by demonizing them.
the Red Terror of Lenin’s time, tens of thousands (Cossacks) perished and Lenin was a
It wasStalin who killed around few Millions, also
Socialist. Not Capitalist right winger. Of course, it was mere statistics to
him, in a de-personified assessment of political cleansing.
another Socialist leader knocked off another 3~4 million and topped it with the
massacres of people of Tibet.
Rouge, another Communist from Cambodia killed about 2 million out of a total
population of 7 million
those rogues like Che Guera, who famously said “if in doubt, kill him” is made
to be a revolutionary. This is the kind of intellectual laziness that pervades
Left ideology as with religious Supremacism, that peace is achievable after
dissenting voices are eliminated.
is also to be noted that Monarch Fidel Castro, who anointed his brother as
leader of Cuba, who has not let a whiff of democracy enter Cuba, is still the
adored Communist socialist revolutionary to the Left. And all these Left
organizations do not fail to carry a ‘democratic’ tag to their name, in their
Sorelian spirit of lying through their teeth.
Socialist led killings have taken place in Vietnam, Romania, North Korea,
Hungary all have had their share of killing those who held another view or
accused of. Socialists are ones who glorify killing humans, justify it as legitimate
political activity. Can one forget the twist the Marxist gave to the slaughter,
rape and forced conversion of tens of thousands of Hindus in Kerala as one of
revolution? It is the same DNA strand that is shared by Hitler and any
self-respecting Socialist, to demonize section of humans as enemies and justify
killing in cold blood.
Rwandan genocide was horrific, overseen by inept UN which could have avoided
the death toll of this magnitude, the world also witnessed, though mutely,
another genocidal horror at Darfur, with over 400000 dead and about 3 million
displaced. It had nothing to do with Capitalism but with the regressive tribal/ racial
feud, the latter had additionally religious Supremacy. One can stretch that tribal feud itself is the foul smell of Capitalism
as Left would do but for that you will have to water-board truth, which the
Left is capable of doing as a matter of course.
war with casualty of about 200000 dead, perpetrated by religious Right wing
Bush, hogged the limelight while the millions in Darfur died, sometimes at the
rate of 10000 per month. Darfur was a Muslims killing Muslims variety of genocide
which had all classical Nazi elements. Yet, the attention it drew was
insignificant in comparison to the Iraq war, because the Left liberals do not
consider it of good propaganda value and it does not fit in their overall ‘socialist
story’ and let it be.
the last 8 to 9 decades the mass killing of people was carried out almost
exclusively by Left ideology or by religious Supremacists. But these are the two
groups who ceaselessly allege right wing of pogrom and genocide.
this light, the current roll call of the Left and liberal leadership and Muslim
voices alleging RSS and BJP to be the next Nazi party and Hitler is just
continuation of their old trick.
any political ideology has dehumanized one’s own people, made enemies of a
section of one’s own countrymen, intellectualized the spin into political hate with
nice sounding words, such ideology has always come from the Left constituency.
As a concerted diversionary tactic (to borrow another word from Marxian
Lexicon) they point their fingers at political right as culprits while turning
blind to the millions and millions scorched by the Marxian, Left ideologies all
over the world.
in India need not be perturbed if the Left liberals keep up their fear
mongering that Modi will be the next Hitler. It is those Left who uphold an
ideology as final truth who will resort to violence and never a Hindu for whom
the truth is ever changing. Fundamentally,
Hindus have been non-violent as a result of their philosophy (not because of
cowardice) and are truly secular due to the concept of ‘Vasudeva Kudumbakam’
ingrained in Hindu psyche. When the Godless Left and Supremacist religionists
accuse Modi, it always pays to pause and reflect on the objectives of these
groups, i.e., domination of the world with their violent ideology. Let us ever
remind ourselves who the real left overs of Hitler are. It is always the side
Left takes.
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